
Showing posts from November, 2010

What is freeschooling?

Freeschooling is learning as a way of life.    It's about transforming our whole approach to education and trusting that children are innately driven to learn and explore when given the freedom to do so. They don't need to be force-fed information, but ample opportunities to learn arise along life's path.  We don't follow a curriculum, and enjoy a variety of opportunities and activities in a fun way that inspires their learning journey, while following their lead.  We also feel that developing authentic relationships & communication skills, creativity, problem solving skills, reverence for nature, self awareness and intuition are key factors in living a quality life. Children's strengths, skills and passions naturally flourish from this strong foundation, when they are nurtured with unconditional love. We trust that our children will learn what they need in their own time. Besides all those reasons, it feels right.  It feels right to connect with our chi...