
Showing posts from August, 2015

Math Bump Games

I am really excited about another makeover! This time it was my math bump games. These games have been dressed up with some new covers and new graphics. They are looking really good and are ready to be taken out!  If you would like to give them to try them out with your students I have several freebies ready for you to download now! These games give practice at basic Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. The kids get to 'play' and heaps of fun without even realizing that they are actually doing math! That has to be a real win, win for you and for them!       Addition Bump Games Freebies - 2 Printable Addition Games       Subtraction Bump Games Freebie - 2 Printable Subtraction Games       Multiplication Bump Games Freebie - 2 Printable Multiplication Games      Division Bump Games Freebie - 2 Printable Division Games   If you want more, I have four sets, one for each of the ope...

Place Value Fun

Place Value! Just when you think they have it, you ask a question in a different way and they have no idea! That's why I am always looking for new ways to consolidate place value. I love using games and I love getting the kids to represent numbers in different ways! That's why I have created some place value games and place value worksheets. Here are some of the Freebies I have created to get kids looking at place value from different angles.   This set has 4 different worksheets - 2 for 2 digit numbers and 2 for 3 digit numbers. You can select the numbers that the kids work on or they can create their own numbers by rolling 2 or 3 dice.       You can download this free set from my Teachers Pay Teachers Store at     I also use games for place value and have created lots of different place value games. Here are 2 sets of my Place Value Games Freebies - There are 2 Place Value games for 2 digit...

Back to School Math Fun

There are loads of great math activities that are perfect for the start of the school year! In my Back to School Math About Me collection you will find math that the kids will want to do! Here are some of the goodies in this set!    The Eliminate Number Game has students record numbers relevant to themselves. Next the teachers reads out cards with clues related to these numbers and students are eliminated if their numbers match the clues.   When's My Birthday? is a game related to students' birthdays. It is a little bit like the Higher/Lower number game but instead students try to guess when each student has their birthday. After guessing a date, the student gives the clue, before or after.   Students' birthdays can be recorded on the Birthday Charts and this information can be used to create a birthday graph.   Students can also create a Numbers About Me poster which doubles as a Number Puzzle for the...