Halloween Literacy Freebies

Halloween can be one of the greatest motivators in the classroom!
That's why I have created some Halloween literacy activities that will get kids playing around with Halloween words and composing spooky Halloween stories.
I have 2 sets of Halloween Literacy Freebies and also a set of Halloween Literacy Puzzles and Games.

The Halloween Literacy Freebie contains two printable Halloween Word Puzzles.
The Halloween Literacy Puzzles Freebie has 2 Halloween Word Puzzles. It is available now at

In Who's Coming to the Party students are given the names of the who will be at the Halloween party but all of the vowels are missing. Some words will be easy but some are sure to challenge them!

This Halloween Word Search and Riddle puzzle is much more than just a word search. After children have solved the word search they are rewarded with a Halloween riddle but they will have to work out the answer for themselves!
Another great idea for Halloween is to have children compose some spooky stories. I have created a collection of Halloween Story Starters at

There are 7 story starters for students to choose from. You can print each and display as is or cut around the webs and make a chart with them like I have done.
These spooky story starters are sure to fire up their imagination!
Here is another really simple idea for a Halloween Word Game.
The game can be played by 2 players or 2 teams.
Draw a grid of about 8x8 on a piece of paper or a whiteboard.
Fill the grid with Halloween themed words. You can read the words going across the grid in the photo above.
Now the players or teams take turns to make a word from the letters in the grid and cross off the letters.
The letters can be anywhere on the board not like a word search where the letters have to be in a line. In the photo above the first player has crossed off the letters for 'crow'.
The last player or team who can make a word is the winner.
This is a great game for spelling skills. 
If you want more Halloween Literacy, I also have a set of Halloween Literacy Puzzles and Games.
This collection has 7 Halloween Word Puzzle sheets and 5 Halloween Board Games with a literacy focus. You can seem more about it at -
Hope you like these Halloween Literacy activities!
Have a Spooktacular Halloween! 
