New Year Math Freebies, Ideas and More!
Welcoming the start of 2016 is a great time to play around with numbers!
So today I really want to share these New Year math ideas with you!
- A great New Year Number of the Day Idea
- My new 2016 New Year Number of the Day Sheets and Posters!
- A New Year Math Dice Game
- and My updated New Year Math Games Freebie
2016 New Year Number of the Day
A great math activity to start the 2016 New Year is to make 2016 the Number of the Day.
I did this last year and it worked a treat! So of course I had to share it this year!
You can make your own and select the skills that suit the abilities of your kids
or you can use the ready made posters or worksheets that I have created for the new 2016 year.
2016 New Year Number of the Day Sheets and Posters
I have created 2 versions of the 2016 Number of the Day - a basic version and a more complex advanced version.
Each is in black and white to be used as a worksheet and also color which can be used as a poster or projected onto your smartboard.
I know that you will want to use these again next year so I have added versions for 2017-2020 and also a blank version so that you can add any year that you like!
New Year Dice Game
My favorite math games are ones that are really simple to prepare, simple to learn and simple to play.
This game is ideal for the New Year and can be set up in a second! :)
To play the 2016 dice game you will need to write 20 and 16 twice on a sheet of paper like the one below.
There are 2 versions of the game.
Basic game - Players take turns to roll 5 dice and add the numbers. If they add to 20, the player covers 20 or crosses it out. If they add to 16, the player covers or crosses out 16. The first player to cover both is the winner.
Advanced game - If you really want them to think, then have each player roll 3 dice. They then have to create an equation using the 3 dice to make 20 or 16. For example, if a player rolls 1, 3 and 4, they could make (1+3)x4 to make 16. They then cover or cross out the 16. First player to cover both 20 and 16 is the winner.
So simple but great math practice! :)
New Year Math Games Freebie
If you want more math games, then I have updated my New Year Math Board Game Freebie for 2016! There are 3 math board games and a print and play game sheet.
You can download it now at
Well I hope that gives you a few ideas for New Year Math!
Till next time,
Wishing you and the kids,
a Happy and Prosperous 2016!
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